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Training Routine
Click each exercise to get instructions and video demonstrations



3 X 1 rep (10 steps forward and back)
3 X 1 rep (10 steps to the side and back)
 2 X 25 reps per leg
2 X 25 reps per leg
 2 X 25 reps per leg
2 X 25 reps per leg



2 X 20 squats (5-10 pulses per squat)
2 X 25 reps per leg
2 X 25 thrusts
2 X 25 reps per leg
 2 X 20 reps
2 X 20 reps



3 X 1 rep (10 steps forward and back)
3 X 1 rep (10 steps forward and back)
2 X 20 squats (5-10 pulses per squat)
 2 X 25 reps per leg
  2 X 25 reps per leg
2 X 20 reps



3 X 1 rep (10 steps to the side and back)
 2 X 20 reps
2 X 25 reps per leg
 2 X 25 reps per leg
  2 X 25 reps per leg
2 X 25 reps per leg
You may repeat these routines if desired. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are rest days. Focus on upper body, cardio, or flexibility on these days. 
Exercise Guide
This guide contains the best exercises to activate and train the hip, leg and glute muscles. Follow our suggested routines to maximize your results. These exercises are mainly lower body so add on top upper body and cardio. Increase the reps and band strength as you get stronger to ensure you feel your muscles “burning.” When strength training, focus on tightening and activating the muscles you are trying to build. Oxygen is essential to peak performance: exhale on exertion and inhale on the release. To reduce stiffness and improve range of motion, incorporate stretching after strengthening exercises. For most effective results, it’s important to give your muscles a day to rebuild following strength training. Rotate through exercises so that you allow each muscle group adequate time to rest. Discontinue any exercises that cause pain. Check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine to make sure it is safe for your individual needs.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent.
  • ​Point your feet forward, slightly wider than hip distance apart. Maintain tension in the band.
  • ​Lower into a squat, as if you are sitting onto a chair, forcing your knees out against the band.
  • ​Take a step forward (leading with your knee).
  • ​Repeat this with the other foot for 10 steps.
  • ​Facing the same direction, move back 10 steps to the starting position.
EXPERT TIP  The deeper you squat, the more your glutes are activated. When squatting with bands, push your knees outward to improve technique and avoid injury.


  •  Place the band just above your knees.
  • Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent.
  • ​Point your feet forward, slightly wider than hip distance apart. Maintain tension in the band.
  • ​Lower your hips into a squat, forcing your knees out against the band.
  • ​Take a step sideways (leading with your knee).
  • ​Repeat this with the other foot for 10 steps.
  • ​Facing the same direction, move sideways 10 steps backwards to the starting position.


  • Place the band around both legs.
  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips, core engaged, in a half-squat position.
  • ​Step forward and out to the side with one foot. Repeat with the other foot.
  • ​Continue to take big steps forward, focusing on keeping your knees and feet as wide apart as you can while moving forward.
  • ​After 10 steps forward, return to the starting position by taking wide steps backwards.
EXPERT TIP The higher up the band is on the leg, the easier. For an extra challenge, try doing this exercise with the band around your ankles or feet 


  •  Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent.
  • ​Point feet forward and slightly wider than shoulder width so there is tension in the band.
  • ​Lower into a deep squat for 4 second. Keep your spine straight and the weight on your heels.
  • ​Pause for 4 seconds at the bottom.
  • ​Return to standing position by pushing your heels into the ground and engaging your glutes.
BONUS Try a squat pulse by bouncing up and down at the bottom of the squat for additional glute activation.
EXPERT TIP When squatting, tighten your core and move your hips back so that your knees are in-line with your ankles. Think “sit back” rather than “bend knees.” Keep your weight in your heels, being mindful not to let your knees cave inward or move too far forward. Squat down until your hip joint is lower than your knees. Squeeze your glute muscles when you stand up. If you feel pain in your knees, lighten the weight, don’t go down as far, or discontinue exercise.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent. Take a wide stance with knees diagonally out.
  • ​Lower into a deep squat for 4 seconds. Keep your spine straight and the weight on your heels.
  • Pause for 4 seconds at the bottom.
  • ​Return to standing by pushing your heels into the ground and engaging your glutes.
BONUS Try a squat pulse by bouncing up and down at the bottom of the squat for additional glute activation.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Point your feet forward, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Ensure your shins are vertical. 
  • Bend knees and lean forward slightly, with your hands behind your back.
  • Let your knees cave in then push out. Hold for 3 seconds. Bring your knees in with control.
  • ​Stay low for the whole set.
EXPERT TIP Abductions will help improve the depth of your squats and improve your technique. They are great glute activators.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Sit on a chair, back straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, feet pointed forward. 
  • Push your knees out, squeeze your glutes, and hold for 4 seconds. Bring your knees in ensuring your feet stay firmly on the floor.
Alternatively, you can sit on the floor with your legs in front of you, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Keep your core engaged, back straight, and hands on the floor at your side for support. Push your knees out, squeeze your glutes and hold for 4 seconds. Bring your knees in ensuring your feet stay firmly on the floor.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Lie on your side with your lower knee bent. 
  • Lean your upper body on your elbow, engage your core, and keep a straight spine.
  • ​Extend your upper leg in front of you, with foot flexed.
  • ​Raise your leg as high as you can and slowly lower again.
  • ​Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees
  • ​Lie on your side with your legs in a straight line with your body.
  • ​Lean your upper body on your elbow, engage your core, and keep a straight spine.
  • ​Raise your top leg as high as you can and slowly lower again.
  • ​Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Lie on your side, rest your head on your arm, bend your hips to 45 degrees and bend your knees to 90 degrees.
  • ​Ensure your hips are straight, your knees are stacked perfectly, and your feet are aligned with your back.
  • ​Open the upper leg as wide as you can while keeping the feet in contact. Squeeze your glutes. Return to closed.
  • ​Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Get onto your hands and knees; back neutral, abs braced.
  • ​Keep your face down so your neck is in line with your spine. Do not arch your back.
  • ​Drive one leg upwards, maintaining the 90-degree angle of the knee, foot flexed. (The foot should end with the sole facing the ceiling.)
  • ​Lower slowly. Repeat on other side.
BONUS For additional glute activation, pulse leg 10 times at the top of the donkey kick.
EXPERT TIP These are excellent glute activators. To increase the intensity, you can hold the extended position longer and do the exercise slower.  


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Get onto your hands and knees; back neutral, abs braced.
  • ​Keep your face down so your neck is in line with your spine. Do not arch your back.
  • ​Drive your knee out to the side maintaining the 90-degree angle.
  • ​Lower slowly. Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Position your upper body on a bench; brace your abs.
  • ​Point your feet forward and hip width apart.
  • ​Keeping your back straight for the entire movement, dip your hips down and thrust up.
  • ​Ensure you squeeze your glutes and go as high as you can. Hold for 4 seconds.
  • ​For additional glute activation, push knees outward while driving your hips upward.
  • ​Return your legs to parallel, and lower your hips to repeat.
BONUS For additional glute activation, pulse hips 10 times at the top of the hip thrust.
EXPERT TIP Hip thrusts are extremely effective for glute activation. To increase the difficulty slowly add weight to your hips.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Lie with your back on the floor, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • ​Brace your abs, feet hip width apart.
  • ​Thrust your hips up while squeezing your glutes and go as high as you can. Hold for 4 seconds.
  • ​For additional glute activation, push knees outward while hips are elevated.
  • ​Return legs to parallel and lower your hips to the ground
BONUS: For additional glute activation, pulse hips 10 times at the top of the bridge. 


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Position your legs on a bench at a 90-degree angle
  • ​Brace your abs, feet hip width apart.
  • ​Thrust your hips up while squeezing your glutes and go as high as you can. Hold for 4 seconds.
  • ​Lower your hips to the ground. 


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand close to the bar so your shins graze the bar and it is centered over your feet.
  • ​Point your feet forward, hip distance apart
  • ​Bend at the hip and grip the bar at shoulder width, ensure your back is flat and abs braced
  • ​Lower your hips and flex the knees, keep your chest up and your back flat, and begin driving through the heels to move the weight upward.
  • ​After the bar passes the knees, aggressively pull the bar back, driving your hips forward in a hip thrusting motion.
  • ​Lower the bar by bending at the hips and guiding it to the floor, ensuring that it stays close to your body to reduce any excess load on your lower back.
EXPERT TIP Practice with just bands and no weights. When you have the correct form, gradually add and increase weights.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Point your feet forward, hip distance apart.
  • ​Hold the bar at hip level and grip with your palms facing down.
  • ​Your shoulders should be back, your spine straight, abs braced, and your knees slightly bent.
  • ​Lower the bar by moving your hips back as far as you can. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back. Lower to the point where you reach the maximum range of your hamstring flexibility-usually just below the knee.
  • ​At the bottom of the movement, squeeze your glutes and pull with your hamstring to drive your hips forward to stand up tall. 


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand up straight with abs braced.
  • ​Place the heel of your leading foot on the box / bench.
  • ​Step into your leading heel and drive yourself up into a standing position atop the box/ bench. Ensure your leading knee is driving out with each step.
  • ​Step down. Repeat on other side.
EXPERT TIP  Step-ups are extremely beneficial for developing single leg and glute strength without the stress on your back. These are best done with the medium to light bands to allow a greater range of motion.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand up straight with abs braced.
  • ​Stand lunge-length in front of a bench, facing away from the bench
  • ​Rest the top of your left foot on the bench behind you. Ensure the bench is not too high. Your back should not arch.
  • ​Lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Ensure your front knee is driving outward with each lunge, making sure your knee does not extend past your toes
  • ​Push through the heel of your front foot to return to standing, keeping the back foot on the bench.
  • ​Repeat on other side.










Training Routine
Click each exercise to get instructions and video demonstrations


 3 X 1 rep (10 steps forward and back)
Squatting Sidewalk 
3 X 1 rep (10 steps to the side and back)
Donkey Kick 
 2 X 25 reps per leg
Fire Hydrant 
 2 X 25 reps per leg
Side-Lying Clamshell 
 2 X 25 reps per leg
Split Squat
 2 X 25 reps per leg


 Sumo Squat, with Optional Pulse
2 X 20 squats (5-10 pulses per squat)
Donkey Kick 
2 X 25 reps per leg
Hip Thrust, Band Only
2 X 25 thrusts
2 X 25 reps per leg
Standing Hip Abduction
 2 X 20 reps
2 X 20 reps


Monster Walk   
3 X 1 rep (10 steps forward and back)
Squatting Forward & Backward Walk 
3 X 1 rep (10 steps forward and back)
Standard Squat, with Optional Pulse  
2 X 20 squats (5-10 pulses per squat)  
Side-Lying Hip Abduction  
 2 X 25 reps per leg  
Side-Lying Leg Raise  
 2 X 25 reps per leg 
Romanian Deadlift  
2 X 20 reps 


Squatting Sidewalk  
3 X 1 rep (10 steps to the side and back)
Seated Hip Abduction  
 2 X 20 reps
2 X 25 reps per leg
Split Squat 
 2 X 25 reps per leg
Donkey Kick 
 2 X 25 reps per leg 
Side-Lying Clamshell  
2 X 25 reps per leg
You may repeat these routines if desired. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are rest days. Focus on upper body, cardio, or flexibility on these days. 
Exercise Guide
This guide contains the best exercises to activate and train the hip, leg and glute muscles. Follow our suggested routines to maximize your results. These exercises are mainly lower body so add on top upper body and cardio. Increase the reps and band strength as you get stronger to ensure you feel your muscles “burning.” When strength training, focus on tightening and activating the muscles you are trying to build. Oxygen is essential to peak performance: exhale on exertion and inhale on the release. To reduce stiffness and improve range of motion, incorporate stretching after strengthening exercises. For most effective results, it’s important to give your muscles a day to rebuild following strength training. Rotate through exercises so that you allow each muscle group adequate time to rest. Discontinue any exercises that cause pain. Check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine to make sure it is safe for your individual needs.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent.
  • ​Point your feet forward, slightly wider than hip distance apart. Maintain tension in the band.
  • ​Lower into a squat, as if you are sitting onto a chair, forcing your knees out against the band.
  • ​Take a step forward (leading with your knee).
  • ​Repeat this with the other foot for 10 steps.
  • ​Facing the same direction, move back 10 steps to the starting position.
EXPERT TIP  The deeper you squat, the more your glutes are activated. When squatting with bands, push your knees outward to improve technique and avoid injury.


  •  Place the band just above your knees.
  • Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent.
  • ​Point your feet forward, slightly wider than hip distance apart. Maintain tension in the band.
  • ​Lower your hips into a squat, forcing your knees out against the band.
  • ​Take a step sideways (leading with your knee).
  • ​Repeat this with the other foot for 10 steps.
  • ​Facing the same direction, move sideways 10 steps backwards to the starting position.


  • Place the band around both legs.
  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips, core engaged, in a half-squat position.
  • ​Step forward and out to the side with one foot. Repeat with the other foot.
  • ​Continue to take big steps forward, focusing on keeping your knees and feet as wide apart as you can while moving forward.
  • ​After 10 steps forward, return to the starting position by taking wide steps backwards.
EXPERT TIP The higher up the band is on the leg, the easier. For an extra challenge, try doing this exercise with the band around your ankles or feet 


  •  Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent.
  • ​Point feet forward and slightly wider than shoulder width so there is tension in the band.
  • ​Lower into a deep squat for 4 second. Keep your spine straight and the weight on your heels.
  • ​Pause for 4 seconds at the bottom.
  • ​Return to standing position by pushing your heels into the ground and engaging your glutes.
BONUS Try a squat pulse by bouncing up and down at the bottom of the squat for additional glute activation.
EXPERT TIP When squatting, tighten your core and move your hips back so that your knees are in-line with your ankles. Think “sit back” rather than “bend knees.” Keep your weight in your heels, being mindful not to let your knees cave inward or move too far forward. Squat down until your hip joint is lower than your knees. Squeeze your glute muscles when you stand up. If you feel pain in your knees, lighten the weight, don’t go down as far, or discontinue exercise.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Stand shoulders back, head and feet facing forward, abs braced, knees slightly bent. Take a wide stance with knees diagonally out.
  • ​Lower into a deep squat for 4 seconds. Keep your spine straight and the weight on your heels.
  • Pause for 4 seconds at the bottom.
  • ​Return to standing by pushing your heels into the ground and engaging your glutes.
BONUS Try a squat pulse by bouncing up and down at the bottom of the squat for additional glute activation.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Point your feet forward, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Ensure your shins are vertical. 
  • Bend knees and lean forward slightly, with your hands behind your back.
  • Let your knees cave in then push out. Hold for 3 seconds. Bring your knees in with control.
  • ​Stay low for the whole set.
EXPERT TIP Abductions will help improve the depth of your squats and improve your technique. They are great glute activators.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Sit on a chair, back straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, feet pointed forward. 
  • Push your knees out, squeeze your glutes, and hold for 4 seconds. Bring your knees in ensuring your feet stay firmly on the floor.
Alternatively, you can sit on the floor with your legs in front of you, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Keep your core engaged, back straight, and hands on the floor at your side for support. Push your knees out, squeeze your glutes and hold for 4 seconds. Bring your knees in ensuring your feet stay firmly on the floor.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • Lie on your side with your lower knee bent. 
  • Lean your upper body on your elbow, engage your core, and keep a straight spine.
  • ​Extend your upper leg in front of you, with foot flexed.
  • ​Raise your leg as high as you can and slowly lower again.
  • ​Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees
  • ​Lie on your side with your legs in a straight line with your body.
  • ​Lean your upper body on your elbow, engage your core, and keep a straight spine.
  • ​Raise your top leg as high as you can and slowly lower again.
  • ​Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Lie on your side, rest your head on your arm, bend your hips to 45 degrees and bend your knees to 90 degrees.
  • ​Ensure your hips are straight, your knees are stacked perfectly, and your feet are aligned with your back.
  • ​Open the upper leg as wide as you can while keeping the feet in contact. Squeeze your glutes. Return to closed.
  • ​Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Get onto your hands and knees; back neutral, abs braced.
  • ​Keep your face down so your neck is in line with your spine. Do not arch your back.
  • ​Drive one leg upwards, maintaining the 90-degree angle of the knee, foot flexed. (The foot should end with the sole facing the ceiling.)
  • ​Lower slowly. Repeat on other side.
BONUS For additional glute activation, pulse leg 10 times at the top of the donkey kick.
EXPERT TIP These are excellent glute activators. To increase the intensity, you can hold the extended position longer and do the exercise slower.  


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Get onto your hands and knees; back neutral, abs braced.
  • ​Keep your face down so your neck is in line with your spine. Do not arch your back.
  • ​Drive your knee out to the side maintaining the 90-degree angle.
  • ​Lower slowly. Repeat on other side.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Position your upper body on a bench; brace your abs.
  • ​Point your feet forward and hip width apart.
  • ​Keeping your back straight for the entire movement, dip your hips down and thrust up.
  • ​Ensure you squeeze your glutes and go as high as you can. Hold for 4 seconds.
  • ​For additional glute activation, push knees outward while driving your hips upward.
  • ​Return your legs to parallel, and lower your hips to repeat.
BONUS For additional glute activation, pulse hips 10 times at the top of the hip thrust.
EXPERT TIP Hip thrusts are extremely effective for glute activation. To increase the difficulty slowly add weight to your hips.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Lie with your back on the floor, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • ​Brace your abs, feet hip width apart.
  • ​Thrust your hips up while squeezing your glutes and go as high as you can. Hold for 4 seconds.
  • ​For additional glute activation, push knees outward while hips are elevated.
  • ​Return legs to parallel and lower your hips to the ground
BONUS: For additional glute activation, pulse hips 10 times at the top of the bridge. 


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Position your legs on a bench at a 90-degree angle
  • ​Brace your abs, feet hip width apart.
  • ​Thrust your hips up while squeezing your glutes and go as high as you can. Hold for 4 seconds.
  • ​Lower your hips to the ground. 


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand close to the bar so your shins graze the bar and it is centered over your feet.
  • ​Point your feet forward, hip distance apart
  • ​Bend at the hip and grip the bar at shoulder width, ensure your back is flat and abs braced
  • ​Lower your hips and flex the knees, keep your chest up and your back flat, and begin driving through the heels to move the weight upward.
  • ​After the bar passes the knees, aggressively pull the bar back, driving your hips forward in a hip thrusting motion.
  • ​Lower the bar by bending at the hips and guiding it to the floor, ensuring that it stays close to your body to reduce any excess load on your lower back.
EXPERT TIP Practice with just bands and no weights. When you have the correct form, gradually add and increase weights.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Point your feet forward, hip distance apart.
  • ​Hold the bar at hip level and grip with your palms facing down.
  • ​Your shoulders should be back, your spine straight, abs braced, and your knees slightly bent.
  • ​Lower the bar by moving your hips back as far as you can. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back. Lower to the point where you reach the maximum range of your hamstring flexibility-usually just below the knee.
  • ​At the bottom of the movement, squeeze your glutes and pull with your hamstring to drive your hips forward to stand up tall. 


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand up straight with abs braced.
  • ​Place the heel of your leading foot on the box / bench.
  • ​Step into your leading heel and drive yourself up into a standing position atop the box/ bench. Ensure your leading knee is driving out with each step.
  • ​Step down. Repeat on other side.
EXPERT TIP  Step-ups are extremely beneficial for developing single leg and glute strength without the stress on your back. These are best done with the medium to light bands to allow a greater range of motion.


  • Place the band just above your knees.
  • ​Stand up straight with abs braced.
  • ​Stand lunge-length in front of a bench, facing away from the bench
  • ​Rest the top of your left foot on the bench behind you. Ensure the bench is not too high. Your back should not arch.
  • ​Lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Ensure your front knee is driving outward with each lunge, making sure your knee does not extend past your toes
  • ​Push through the heel of your front foot to return to standing, keeping the back foot on the bench.
  • ​Repeat on other side.
 For Questions, Comments or Suggestions Email Us at or call us on +1(844)460-1234 - All Rights Reserved
For Questions, Comments or Suggestions Email Us at
or call us on +1(844)460-1234 - All Rights Reserved